Wednesday, September 26, 2012

January 2013

Little has been said about the Mayan calendar in recent weeks and I for one am glad.

The media has better stories to promote - at least until after Nov 6th.  Kevin DuJan at the Hillbuzz blog broke a story that the Obama's are planning to move into a new residence in January 2013.

Of course, this would seem to indicate that the President is thinking that he will not be in the WH after that time. We can only wish but as many of the links on the Hillbuzz site are obviously slanted  and the editor there is not enamored by President Obama, that remains to be seen if it's satire or just plain out and out mean-spirited, I'm not certain which.

I was still curious about the story and there are several sources saying "Yes, it's true" while others are saying "It's just a rumor"

Regardless, I clicked through several of the "pro" and "con" pages of each category and found the following site (link goes to the Whitehouse dot gov1 website) to be funny.

A series of pictures from the 'Whitehouse" website showing the Obama's past vacation to the islands.

Feel free to use the photos as sort of "Where's Waldo" game.
Find the photoshopped elements and win points.
The person with the most points wins.
In case of a tie, there are additional photos at the site to use for a tie-breaker!

Hint: look for anything that includes caricatures of the Hawaiian culture.

Good luck and happy hunting!

(More funny stuff there, so go, enjoy!   I'll be here when you're done.)


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